The Organized
Writer Store |
The Organized Writer

The best-selling ebook that
every writer needs... What
you'll get:
A 30-day roadmap to guide
you from disorganized to organized
Printable forms to
customize your own Sidetracked Writer's Planner
Tips, tricks and resources
to get you organized FAST!
lots more....
Only $14.95 (no
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The Sidetracked Writer's Binder
No time to buy all the stuff for your planner? Let
me send it to you! What
you'll get:
Three-ring binder
16 dividers
Color tabbed headings
A working copy of the 30
forms from the The Organized Writer
A master copy of the 30
forms from the ebook and
One package of post-it note
Only $59.99 plus
and handling.
Write More Audio CD

In the Write More Audio
CD, you'll learn:
The one thing every writer
needs to write more
How to work with your
personality (and not against it) to write more
The best way to set goals
(and actually stick with them)
Your most important
resource as a writer (and how to maximize it)
What you need to do today
and tomorrow to make sure you write more
Time-buster strategies for
writers who are too busy to write
What filing system is best
for you.
... and more!
Only $19.99 plus