Tools for the business of writing

by Julie Hood

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Sep 22, 2004 - Simple Email Solutions
Volume 3, Issue 23

The weekly ezine with a road map for sidetracked writers.

"Be better writers today than we were yesterday."

Thought for the Week -
Simple Email Solutions

Welcome new subscribers and old friends, too!

How much time do you spend organizing, saving, reading, deleting and tracking your email newsletters?

Many times I've thought there has to be an easier way.

I've found something called RSS that eliminates some of these steps. Read on for the rest of the details.

Don't forget Saturday is the deadline for the fre'e shipping offer on the Write More audio CD. 

Happy Writing (and Organizing)!
Let's Write More in 2004!


P.S. Did you miss last week's issue with the Ten-Minute Toolkit?  You can read it here

Write More in 2004™ Audio CD now available!

How are you doing with our goal to Write More in 2004

If you need a little inspiration, check out my brand-new audio CD, Write More. It's 45 minutes where we run through the Organized Writer 30-Day Get Organized plan with some of my favorite new tips and resources. If you need a little jump-start to get your summer writing in gear, this CD is perfect. You can listen on the way to work (or even on the treadmill). 
Until September 25th, this CD is available for with free shipping for only $19.95 (US shipping only). 
The free shipping promotion has ended.  Shipping is $2.95.

"The CD came yesterday afternoon, and I listened to it as I was zipping around the kitchen making dinner. It's terrific, and I learned several things." 
--Joyce Heiser, Inspirational Writer,

Payments can be made through Paypal (with just a credit card if you don't have an account). If you have questions, require international shipping or would like to use another payment method, just email me with "Audio CD" in the subject line
For anyone with email.... My Yahoo! and RSS

First, you get an email newsletter (and hopefully you get to read it right away), but it may sit in your inbox for awhile.

You may eventually file it under To Read, but who knows when you'll actually get to read it, right? Then once you read it, you have to delete the message.

Here's a simpler method -- RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication and it automatically tracks updates to websites (like updates to this newsletter). The most recent headlines or even the whole articles are listed. As new ones are added, the old items drop off the list (no deleting necessary)!

You can set up an RSS reader, or do like I do and use the reader on the My Yahoo! page at

Add RSS Headlines to your My Yahoo! page, and then it's SO simple to set up the individual newsletters. You just add the link where the RSS is available. For this newsletter, you use

For more on RSS, Writers Weekly has a detailed explanation and links to more RSS readers:
Book Review - Dojo Wisdom for Writers
by Jennifer Lawler

I've never taken any martial arts classes. My kids haven't taken any classes. Punching, kicking and sparring never appealed to me. So when I first looked at Dojo Wisdom for Writers by Jennifer Lawler I thought, "I doubt I'll get anything from this book." 

But I was wrong. Dojo Wisdom for Writers provides 100 straightforward steps for improving your writing. Each step also has an exercise for you to complete. I was surprised at how well the martial arts concepts could become excellent writing advice.
I think the best way to use this book is to flip it open each day, read the short summary and complete the exercise. They are just long enough to make you think but short enough to finish quickly (perfect for those of you looking for a warm-up when you sit down to write). 

Less how-to and more motivational, this book is perfect for anyone looking for a novel approach to the secrets of writing.

Read more reviews or order from Amazon.


Happy writing (and organizing) this week! Julie


Like Organized  You'll love the ebook..... 

"Julie, I love your book. I have read (or at least opened) more than a trunk load of books about writing over the years. Yours is the first I have seen that gives readers so much in one place. For me, the Master List and putting that together was more than worth the cost."

-- David Stoddard
Motivational writer, trainer and publisher of the
Terrific Life Concepts ezine.
Click HERE for a separate screen for printing.


DRAW daily (Declutter-Read-Assess-Write)
What is this? 

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. Declutter (only 5 minutes)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. Read (only 5 minutes)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. Assess (30 seconds to 5 minutes)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. Write (at least 5 minutes)

Weekly Checklist

For freelance writers: Use this weekly checklist to find, write and send a query every week of 2004!

__ Make notes on a new idea.

Tuesday: Accounting Day
__ Post your accounting records.
__ Pay bills.
__ Follow up on outstanding invoices and queries.

__ Find a new market using links below.

Thursday: Errand Day
__ Make copies.
__ Return books to library.
__ Make deposit at bank.

__ Finish query and submit.
__ Match your query to the market.

Saturday Weekly Review
__ How was this week?
__ What's up next week?
__ Review your Projects list in your planner and check the
__ Jot the next action steps for your projects on next week's
__ Backup your computer files.
__ Virus scan your computer.
__ Update windows software at
__ Update Microsoft(R)  office software at

__ Relax and enjoy!
__ Do something fun today!


Organized Writer's Guideline Database
Absolute Write's Market Archives
Writer's Weekly Jobs guidelines writers wanted
Funds for Writers - Jobs and Markets
Paying Markets List
Freelance Job Bank 
Writer's Write Writer's Guideline Directory
Writer's Digest - Market of the Day
Writer's (subscription only)
Writer Gazette Job Board
Writer Gazette Call for Submissions
Sell Writing Online
Writer's Crossing


Thanks for visiting Writer-Reminders! If you have comments,
success stories, or suggestions, reply to this message or e-mail
me at

- Julie reminders for all writers who want
more time to write. tips and tools for your writing


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Welcome new subscribers!

Welcome to the 30-day Write More in 2004™ plan. You can read about it here.

2004 Calendar

Did you get your 2004 Writer's Calendar?  

It has inspirational quotes, my monthly routines, and places to record your monthly writing goals. 

Print it here and please telll your writing friends and discussion groups to help spread the word about  Thanks!


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