Tools for the business of writing

by Julie Hood

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  Writer-Reminders > 2004, Issue 31

       *** Holiday Gifts for Writers ***



Dec 5, 2004 - Last Month of the Year and Book Proposals
Volume 3, Issue 31

The weekly ezine with a road map for sidetracked writers.

"Be better writers today than we were yesterday."

Thought for the Week - Last Month of the Year

Welcome new subscribers and old friends, too!

How are your holiday preparations coming? I am so excited that we got the Christmas lights on the house yesterday, and I've got most of the presents (and some of them are even wrapped!). It's so easy to get overwhelmed this time of year -- I hope you have a peaceful, enjoyable (and organized!) month of December. 

Take a few minutes today to make a list of what you need to do yet. 
Add a deadline date so you know what absolutely has to be done now, and you'll feel so much less stressed.

This is one of my favorite months not only because of all the fun holidays but because the year is about to end (and I love the clean slate of January!). This year I'm trying something new by focusing on a very careful review of what worked and what didn't the past year. I'm going back over the year month by month to see where I spent my time and whether it was time well-spent. I'll be sharing some of these insights with you over the next few weeks.

My good friend and coach, Lynne Klippel, has put together a special program just for this process. She is going to show us a specific process for setting goals, managing change, creating your support team and measuring your efforts.

It's called the Drawing Board™ and she is piloting it starting Monday. If you're interested, she has a few spots left, and you can find out more here (registration ends Sunday night).

Happy Writing (and Organizing)!
Let's Write More in 2004!


P.S. Did you miss last week's issue? Read it at here.

Gifts for Writers and holiday Specials from ---- no charge for shipping

You can also order The Organized Writer ebook on CD (for those of you who don't like to download ebooks) and the Writer More audio CD -- with no charge for U.S. shipping when you order with the Paypal buttons on this page.

For authors and publishers.... Book Proposals

What an idea... boil down your concept for a 150-page (or more) book into a few pages that will not only impress an agent or publisher, but will sell them on the value of the book, the market and your ability to promote.

I'm knee-deep into helping one of my clients jazz-up his book proposal, and I wanted to share some of favorite resources with you.

1) How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal by Stephen Blake Mettee. 

This is an amazing book. It's not very long (only 117 pages) but it is chock-full of details, checklists and even a sample proposal. You can read my review here:

2) Sample book proposal by Jenna Glatzer for Outwitting Writer’s Block and Other Problems of the Pen.

I really like the way Jenna put this proposal together. The writing is tight and shows her expertise without being too "showy."

3) Anatomy of a book proposal

Tim Bete walks through his process for creating his book proposal. I especially like his section on how he analyzed the market.

Stay tuned for part 2 next week....

See you next week! Julie

Like Organized  You'll love the ebook..... 

"Julie, I love your book. I have read (or at least opened) more than a trunk load of books about writing over the years. Yours is the first I have seen that gives readers so much in one place. For me, the Master List and putting that together was more than worth the cost."

-- David Stoddard
Motivational writer, trainer and publisher of the
Terrific Life Concepts ezine.
Click HERE for a separate screen for printing.


DRAW daily (Declutter-Read-Assess-Write)
What is this? 

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. Declutter (only 5 minutes)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. Read (only 5 minutes)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. Assess (30 seconds to 5 minutes)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. Write (at least 5 minutes)

Weekly Checklist

For freelance writers: Use this weekly checklist to find, write and send a query every week of 2004!

__ Make notes on a new idea.

Tuesday: Accounting Day
__ Post your accounting records.
__ Pay bills.
__ Follow up on outstanding invoices and queries.

__ Find a new market using links below.

Thursday: Errand Day
__ Make copies.
__ Return books to library.
__ Make deposit at bank.

__ Finish query and submit.
__ Match your query to the market.

Saturday Weekly Review
__ How was this week?
__ What's up next week?
__ Review your Projects list in your planner and check the
__ Jot the next action steps for your projects on next week's
__ Backup your computer files.
__ Virus scan your computer.
__ Update windows software at
__ Update Microsoft(R)  office software at

__ Relax and enjoy!
__ Do something fun today!


Organized Writer's Guideline Database
Absolute Write's Market Archives
Writer's Weekly Jobs guidelines writers wanted
Funds for Writers - Jobs and Markets
Paying Markets List
Freelance Job Bank 
Writer's Write Writer's Guideline Directory
Writer's Digest - Market of the Day
Writer's (subscription only)
Writer Gazette Job Board
Writer Gazette Call for Submissions
Sell Writing Online
Writer's Crossing


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- Julie reminders for all writers who want
more time to write. tips and tools for your writing


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Welcome to the 30-day Write More in 2004™ plan. You can read about it here.

2005 Calendar

Did you get your 2005 Writer's Calendar?  

It has inspirational quotes, my monthly routines, and places to record your monthly writing goals. 

Print it here and please telll your writing friends and discussion groups to help spread the word about  Thanks!



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