is a book no writer should be without..."
---Michael Knowles, WriteThinking.net.
Booklocker.com and WritersWeekly Bestseller!
The Organized Writer's
30-Day Plan
Section One: Let's Get
Day 1 Your Organizing Personality
Day 2 Your Master List
Day 3 The Sidetracked Writer's
Day 4 What Works for You
Section Two: Time
Day 5 Make Your Time Map
Day 6 Goals? Who Me?
Day 7 Assign Your Activities
Section Three: Workspace
Day 8 Your Writespace
Day 9 What's in Those File Drawers?
Section Four: Online Workspace
Day 10 Your Most Time-Saving Tool
Day 11 Communicate on the Web
Day 12 Writer on the Web
Day 13 Books and Magazines, EVERYWHERE
Day 14 Find Your Favorites
Section Five: Idea to Query
Day 15 Capture Those Ideas
Day 16 Research and Clippings
Day 17 Target Your Market
Day 18 A Guideline Database Just for You
Day 19 Writer's Clips
Day 20 Quick Queries
Day 21 Email Queries
Day 22 Track Your Submissions
Section Six: Manuscript to Payment
Day 23 The Perfect Manuscript
Day 24 Show Me the Money
Day 25 Taxes Made Easy
Day 26 More Taxes?!? Self-Employment and Estimated Taxes
Section Seven: What Else?
Day 27 Update Your Skills
Day 28 Make Your Household Hum
Section Eight: Go Forward...Organized!
Day 29 Rework Your Time
Day 30 What's Next?
The Organized Writer:
30 Days to More Time, More Money, and Less
Franklin, Sell Writing Online
Whether you already consider yourself to
be organized or not, Julie Hood's 'The Organized Writer: 30
Days to More Time, More Money, and Less Frustration' will take
you by the hand and simplify your writing life. Julie leads
you through everything; from implementing files to research
and then all the way through from that 'published' word to
taxes. No doubt the most comprehensive guide I've read on
getting organized and staying that way.
This is all done on a day-to-day basis until a month later
you're set up and living a life that's clutter-free. It's not
a book to be read straight through, but rather laid out so
that one can implement each procedure daily until it's
completed. When you've completed the book on day 30, believe
me, you'll be organized.
All the hard work has been taken out of it as Julie provides
all sorts of templates and calendars and even captured images
of various computer windows to lead you through with ease.
It's definitely user-friendly. Those of you who aren't of the
organized type who often say 'Where do I begin?' will be shown
from start to finish and you'll never have to ask that
question again. Even if you are organized I know you'll still
find many valuable pointers she offers. Julie is most
definitely organized.
And she doesn't stop there. Julie also provides you with links
to help you set up an author's page, buy a domain name, plus
links that help you do html editing. But those things are just
icing on the cake. She shares tips on setting up your
workspace to make it comfortable and also work for you. Julie
even suggests having some fun toys around to help you reel in
those creative muses.
Get your printer ready because you're sure to find many things
to print off that are provided in the guidebook. These are
excellent time-savers. Everything from ideas, clips,
manuscripts, and even accounting made easy. Julie makes
organizing easy without feeling like it's a chore. Once you're
set up, you're free to let your mind do what you love to do.
Write! Then checking your daily planner keeps you on track and
increases your publishing sales. What more could a writer ask
I highly recommend this guidebook and give it a top rating of
©2003 Dallas Franklin
Rating Scale: 1-10 (10 being the best)
Rating 10
Chase, Ebook-reviews.net
This handy guidebook offers tips and advice on how organize
your writing career as efficiently as possible. Whether you are
a full-time freelancer or trying to balance writing with a day
job, the information in The Organized Writer will help you
maximize your space and time – and preserve your sanity.
to be used as a daily workbook, with a different organizational
task each day, the book uses six very important rules as
background. The first rule, "Work With Yourself, Not
Against Yourself," is a terribly critical concept which
organizing systems often overlook. There is no point telling
someone to put all their piles of paper in file folders if
really, they prefer piles – and Hood recognizes this.
"Organizing is a skill that can be learned and should be
adapted to fit the way you think and work," she writes.
mentions another very salient point in Rule 3, "Invest
Your Time." Although we often try to cut corners time wise
by putting off unpleasant tasks (human nature!), she encourages
writers, "Be willing to invest a block of time if it will
save you hours of frustration later." This advice is
particularly important in regard to the tasks she assigns for
days 23 through 26 of her program – organizing your billing,
payment and tax records.
order for writing to be considered a
business, rather than a hobby, you
must pass certain tests designed by
the IRS to weed out those
less-than-serious dabblers. Hood
offers some excellent pointers on how
to make sure you meet these criteria,
but make no mistake - this is work!
For most writers, the ideas and
queries and actual writing come much
easier than sending out late payment
notices and filing receipts. However,
to get the maximum financial return on
your considerable investment of time
and effort, all those
"business-y" tasks must be
done. Hood attempts to make it as
painless as possible.
final rule, "Work Forward,"
is another deceptively simple but
crucial point. Don't beat yourself up
over what you used to do, just move
forward. And don't exhaust yourself
trying to fix all your old files and
old manuscripts and so on. Work
forward. See how much guilt and
anguish this little gem could
potentially save you?
book has forms for all the tasks assigned, from a master list
of organizational categories, to daily calendars, query
tracking pages, lists of books to read and office supplies to
buy. There are even pre-printed tabs for hanging folders that
follow her system. But if you already have a planner, never
fear, her system will still work – you don't have to start
over. In fact, there are many similarities to the more popular
planner systems, with writer-specific touches added.
are several worksheets and quizzes, plus references to other
books and websites for further information.
All in all, the format is fun, interactive and easy to
follow. The whole program is very down-to-earth and reality
based – for instance, if you can't afford a fancy desk, Hood
suggests two file cabinets topped by a hollow-core door as a
cheap alternative. How many other time management programs
accept the fact that not everybody can afford Napa leather
folders for their papers and a designer armoire to stash their
computer away?
is a companion website and email newsletter for this book,
offering additional tips and weekly encouragement. Although it
is difficult to form new habits and even the idea of
"getting organized" can seem painful, this book makes
it sound almost, well…fun. Give it a try!
Sherry Ramsey, TheScriptorium.net, and author of
Everything a
Writer Needs to Know:
Sometimes it seems like we're always trying to get more
organized. Organize the house better, or the office, or even
just the desk. Organize the finances, organize your
household's schedule, organize your closet. There's lots of
help and advice out there to assist us, if we need it--but do
we need organization to be better writers? Aren't writers
supposed to be free-spirited, creative, messy types?
Well, maybe. But serious writers know that writing is also
a business, and to run any business properly, there has to be
a modicum of organization. Julie Hood's excellent e-book, The
Organized Writer, can help you achieve the organization
you need to be more productive as a writer, and it even takes
into account that creative spirit.
The book sets you on a 30-day path to better use of your
time--an hour each day--so it magically makes you begin to
feel more organized from the very start. You have a goal, and
you know when you're going to arrive there. Among other
things, you'll create a flexible, customizable planner to help
you get organized and stay that way, and the book includes
loads of printable forms to fill it with. Quizzes and workbook
exercises help you define areas in which you need more
organizational help, and there are plenty of practical
suggestions and sample forms you can use to help you get
You'll also create and learn to use a time map, develop a
workspace conducive to actual work, learn strategies for
working more efficiently on the web, and keep yourself
organized no matter how many projects you have underway. As a
companion to the book, a free weekly email reminder list is
available at http://www.writer-reminders.com/.
Throughout, Julie Hood's style is friendly and encouraging,
and continues to emphasize using all these tools in ways that
best suit your own writing and organizing personality. By the
time you reach the end of this book, you still might not be
the most organized writer in the world--but you'll be the
best-organized writer you can be, and you'll do it in a way
that suits your personality and style. If you really want to
organize your writing life (and maybe the rest of your life,
too) this practical and positive e-book is a must-have!
What's the most common complaint among writers? "I
never have time to write!" They spend their time reading,
researching, generating article ideas, writing queries,
following up, filing, note-taking, doing their taxes, making
phone calls and hundreds of other time-eating tasks... and
none of that sounds like actual writing, does it?
If you make your living as a writer, all that
administrative time and energy can mean a serious loss of
income. After all, the less time you spend writing, the less
money you make.
With short, easy-to-digest chapters for each day of the
month, The Organized Writer shows you how to streamline your
day, your writing process, and your life, allowing you to do
more of what you love...writing."
- Julie Hood, The Organized Writer
Wilson, WritefromHome.com:
If you need help getting your
writing life organized then The Organized Writer is for you. Author and
mom to an infant, Julie Hood knows firsthand the challenges of trying to
write while being a mother, wife and having a household to maintain. Hood
also understands being organized is a key to productivity.
Packed with practical tips and
suggestions The Organized Writer is not simply a book to read, but rather
a workbook designed as a map to guide you into becoming better organized,
ultimately increasing your productivity and income.
In this book you'll discover
your 'organizational personality' and the methods that will best work for
you. You'll receive numerous types of forms designed to streamline your
business as well as reducing clutter. Some of the forms include:
- Idea Grabbers
- Clip Detail Sheet
- Submission Tracker
- Project Detail Sheet
- Publication Analyzer
For $14.95 this e-book is a
great product to help you organize your writing life.
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